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The noun "hemorrhoids" was coined more than 2,400 years ago by Hippocrates himself in reference to a type of anal bleeding veins.

The haemorrhoids is widespread in industrialized countries, which are deemed affects at least 50% of the fifty.

Since this is an extremely common condition, absolutely benign, we reserve the surgical treatment in cases not responding to medical and dietary measures (in particular the correction of constipation), and patients who actually request it.

It 'good to point out that the hemorrhoidal plexus has a physiological role in the healthy, as it helps to keep the sphincter pressure at rest, protects the muscle complex during the evacuation and form a compressible layer that allows the complete closure of the anus. The hemorrhoidal cushions are therefore the improvement of the mechanism of continence, to the extent of 15% according to studies on the composition of the basal pressure of the anal canal. But for this to happen it is necessary that the hemorrhoidal cushions maintain their normal anatomic location, corresponding to the upper two thirds of the anal canal. When, for the deficiency of the mechanisms for fixing, under the pressure of the defecation plexus is displaced below the dentate line, occurs with blood stasis edema and erosions, that is, the phenomena that are the basis of the symptomatology.

It seems logical that an intervention that should remedy this situation aims to correct the prolapse, repositioning the hemorrhoidal cushions in their anatomic location, rather than their excision, the latter is at the basis of traditional interventions, with all the hardships and possible complications associated with them (pain, long recovery, bleeding, stenosis, incontinence).

The speeches of the most recently introduced, aiming at a reduction of mucosal prolapse by excision and suture circular mechanical, are burdened by the same complications (bleeding in the percentage considerably higher) and other peculiar to the method as related to dehiscence of the anastomosis and to subsequent infection with consequences sometimes very serious and in some cases death.

The hemorrhoidopexy dearterializzante with HPS (Hamor Pex System) has been designed to meet the objectives of modern surgery hemorrhoidal disease: quick, simple, no pain, no hospitalization, immediate resumption of normal activities, absence of potential serious complications.

The intervention consists in repositioning the hemorrhoidal cushions in their anatomical site with sutures, resulting in a plication of the mucosa and the simultaneous ligation of the terminal branches of the superior hemorrhoidal.

This implies at the same time a reduction of the prolapse, first for the plication of the mucosa and subsequently for the formation of a scar that yet again the mucosa to the underlying musculature, and a decongestion with consequent reduction of bleeding.

Carried out using a specially designed rotary operating anuscopio (HPS): it is constituted by a fixed part, which remains in contact with the anoderma and the sensitive mucosa of the anal canal, and a rotary which includes the operating window through which are carried out the sutures.

The rotation, controlled by the ring located at the mouth dell'anuscopio, concerns only the operational part that is not in contact with the mucosa sensitive, and not the entire instrument, thus making it easy, rapid (15 - 20 minutes) and painless l ' execution of the action, which can also be done without anesthesia.

The surgery is outpatient, discharge takes place after 30 ', the resumption of activities almost immediately.

The hemorrhoidopexy dearterializzante with HPS (Hamor Pex System) was developed 10 years ago by Dr.. Sias and currently has a growing popularity both in Italy and abroad.

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